Sorry, unexpected scanner error! Press “Reset” button on scanner and try again. Transparancy Cover is open. The cover must remain closed during scanning. Sheet Feeder is empty. Please insert a document or disable this option. Sheet Feeder is jammed. Please remove document and try command again. Sheet Feeder is open. Please close feeder and try command again. No response from Scanner! Try Again? (Check that shipping screw is undone. Clear Red light err with “Reset” button on scanner.) Unable to find Scanner! Look Again? (Check for Scanner power and cables AND press RESET. Check that SCSI address is unique.) Sorry, can't complete all commands! This is not a Silverscanner by La Cie. The Scanner is currently open from other application. Do you want to close the driver now and Continue? Sorry, old 'Driver' for scanner! (Restart with new "Silverscan |||" in your System Folder) Sorry, no 'Driver' for scanner! (Restart with "Silverscan III" in your System Folder) Sorry, insufficient memory to support operation.